Read More“In previous writings, I have raved about the archetypal first signs of spring. The classics like bluebells, lesser celandines, orange-tip butterflies and ramsons. But this year I have new and alternate heralds of spring.”
An Autumnal Cornucopia
Read More“My writing this month will swerve the stereotypical adjectives of this glorious season, and will instead hone in on the assemblage of phenomenal fungi that I have found, along with a couple of real periodic treasures of the fall - both of which were entirely unexpected encounters.”
The Wanderer
Read More“At its rocky summit, clambering over the limestone pavement whilst carefully navigating through the Hart’s-tongue Ferns and calamitous crevices, a large, partially vegetated overhang was clearly visible. On its ledge, lay a bird which I have only ever seen briefly, firing across the skyline above.”
Summertime Splendour
Read More“The Hogweed Bonking Beetle. Otherwise known as the Red Soldier Beetle, this charismatic, elegant little bug swarms over Hogweed flowers at this time of year to reproduce, spending very little time doing anything else in fact.”
Dipping into Spring
Read More“A truly wonderful bird to watch, the Dipper gets its name due to the little ‘dipping’ dance that it will regularly display. This is a bird that can literally walk underwater, and this is just one of the many reasons why they are my favourite.”