Read More“Swathes of Spring Squill were blooming across the low lying grassy plains, along with tufts of Sea Thrift decorating the rocks or “Seapink” as it is known locally. Wading Oystercatchers were out in full force, noisily deterring any passers-by and on more than once occasion we found some seemingly dubious choices in location for their shallow scrape-like nests.”
Spring Revival
Read More“The woodland rides were swarming with Red Campion, Greater Stitchwort, Forget-Me-Nots, Violets and White Dead-Nettle. Blankets of viridescent Dog’s Mercury as far as the eye can see and the smell of Ramsons and Hedge Mustard in the air was unmistakeable.”
Winter Wanderings
Read More“After a short while, it slid clumsily down the rock face. Wondering if this would be the moment, we watched in anticipation. The pup quickly provided us with an answer by bounding straight over to the next rock pool, which was subsequently followed by more flapping and clapping. Clearly not quite ready to take the plunge just yet, but at least it was enjoying itself.”